
eagle owl 377192 960 720 Welcome to the Owls

 Don't forget your daily reading and TTR and spelling shed 4 times a week!

Homework Tasks:  For Thursday 18th April - complete section B and C page 6

Watch the video of Alastair Humphries answering our questions on the book. Here is the link:



  We have bought a subscription to Numberbots, please feel free to explore the fun games. The link is below, use your TTR username and login to log on.

Go to https://play.numbots.com/#/account/school-login/16148 for NumBots

How to find the North Star - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0xVTMlJrH4 We have been learning about how to find the North star as part of a discussion relating to out class reader. Here is a link to help them find it!

 Summer 1 Week 2 Commencing on 22nd April  2024

Dear Owls, 

Please see folders for the weekly timetable, spellings and much more ...

Summer Term 1 
Our writing focus will be non chronological reports. The stimulus for this will be: ‘ Where the Forest Meets the Sea' by Jeanie Baker and 'Jungle Explorer' by The Literacy Company.
In history, we will be learning about the Maya- Key Question: 'Was building pyramids the only similarities between the Maya and Egyptians?' and in Geography, our topic will be 'The Rainforest'. RE will develop the children's understanding of beliefs in Buddhism and in PHSE we will continue to focus on a topic based around the theme of money. In DT,the children will be making torches and after half term the art topic is 'Fabric of Nature.'  In music the children will be learning about Global Pentatonics. Our science topic is ‘Electricity.'   

In mathematics, we will focus on addition, subtraction, money and decimals and fractions, multiplication and division and measures and data. Please continue to practise your timetables and number bonds to 100 as often as possible; these are absolutely key for future mathematical development. Please see below for information regarding the year 4 multiplication test that will take place in June 2024.


Physical Education will take place on Mondays with Mrs Wildman -cricket  and Wednesdays with Miss G - rounders. Please ensure your child comes to school on Mondays and Wednesdays in PE kit.


Our class reader is ‘The Girl who stole an elephant' by Nizrana Farook. There are also, other wonderful books by this author that your child might enjoy reading. Reading is essential for so many reasons, enjoyment, wellbeing, vocabulary and knowledge to name but a few. Remember ‘We learn to read and then read to learn!

Please see below for knowledge organisers, timetables, spelling lists and other useful information.


Please see Seesaw for photos of our World Book Day Picture book reading.

Make sure you look in folders for next week's timetable. 

 Week 6 - Congratulations to Ewan for being awarded the trophy and to Harry for receiving the 'Leadership' leaf.

Mrs W

 Staffing: Monday and Tuesday and Thursday and Friday mornings - Mrs Wildman. Miss Gingell will teach Owls on a Wednesday. Other, subject specialist staff will teach the class as follows on Thursday and Friday afternoon:

Mrs. Leach will teach Geography,
Madame Bentley will teach French
Mrs. Davies – Computing.

Mrs Mrs Adair - PHSE

Mrs. Stock will be Owls’ Teaching assistant.


Contact Details: 

For Mrs Wildman please use either emails:

sendco@sharnbrookprimary.beds.sch.uk or ewildman@sharnbrookprimary.beds.sch.uk.

Miss Gingell for Art, DT, RE and PE –cgingell@sharnbrookprimary.beds.sch.uk

Mrs. Leach for Geography – sleach@sharnbrookprimary.beds.sch.uk
Mrs. Davies for Computing – ldavies@sharnbrookprimary.beds.sch.uk

 Useful Websites:


Epic Reading. Please log on at https://www.getepic.com/sign-in The class sign in code is: bba2651









Here are just a few ways to help your child:
Share the weekly timetable with your child.
Ensure they bring their reading book and reading record to school every day. Inside their reading records are login details, it is a good idea to take a note or photograph of these just in case the reading record goes missing. The Seesaw login will enable you to see photographs and videos of your child. We will let you know when they are posted. They can also post photos and work onto it from home.
Get to school in plenty of time for an 8:45am start.
Hear your child read every night and read to them.
Encourage your child to complete Spelling Shed and TTR at least 4 times a week. (Spelling tests are on Friday mornings.)
Remind them to complete their homework and bring in their folder in every Thursday. In addition to daily reading, Spelling Shed and TTR, the children will be set one small task each week.
Send your child to school with outdoor shoes / boots , a water bottle and always send a coat even if it doesn’t look like rain!
Your children need to come to school in PE kit on Monday and Wednesdays.
Thank you for your support, we are really looking forward to a fun packed year. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Thank you for encouraging your child to read daily. This is so important for both enjoyment, mental health and academic development. You learn to read and then you read to learn!

If your child can spend regular time on TTR and spelling shed this will also help them. Little and often is the key, but please don't worry if this isn't always possible, there has to be a balance. Down time, spending time with family and friends, being outside and doing physical activity are also very important.
A small task will be set on a Thursday and this needs to be completed and returned every Thursday.
Spelling Tests take place on Fridays and new spellings are set on Friday.

 Arrival Time: Just a polite reminder that year 4 arrival time is 8:45am. 

Click here to go the words and music for Jack and the Beanstalk

Summer term Pictorial Timetable Week 2 Timetable Week 28 spellings The Girl Who Stole AN Elephant KO Multiplication Tables Check Information for parent Electricity KO Maya Knowledge Organiser Geography Knowledge organiser Summer Term Electrical Torches KO for DT Year 4 Decimals Knowledge Organiser Reading question sheet Years 3 and 4 Statutory Spelling List Ideas of how to practise your spellings Universally Speaking 5-11 years Speech Sound Development Wheel Year 4 Fractions Knowledge organiser Multiplication and Division Knowledge Organiser Ye Gymnastics KO Art KO Painting and mixed media Spring Term Year 4 Music KO Alan Peat Sentences Dodgeball KO Yoga KO Music KO Sound Knowledge Organiser DT mechanical sling car Knowledge Organiser 30 Days wild activities Living Things and their habitats KO Viking KO PHSE Guide For Growing and changing Year 4 144 club States of matter KO Multiplication and division maths organiser Sharnbrook during WW2 Local History Study KO Art Spring Term KO Geography KO Multiplication and division Autumn1 Outcomes Addition and Subtraction Knowledge Organiser Year 144 - 3,4 and 6 x tables 144 - 7,8 and 9 x tables 30 days wild scavenger hunt multiplication square multiplication practice sheet - colour by number Time Knowledge Organiser Year 4 The Boy who grew dragons KO Addition and subtraction outcomes Autumn 1 Measures (Time) outcomes Autumn 1 Animals including humans KO Art - Drawing KO Spring 1 wk 2 Spelling list 14 Geography Knowledge Organiser 2024 Parent Information regarding the multiplicati