
Safeguarding Children Policy Guidelines 

Child Protection & Safeguarding Children

Ms Hannah Bennett: Designated Safeguarding Lead and Head Teacher  
Mrs Christina Townsend: Designated Safeguarding Governor
Mrs Meshelle Headley: Safeguarding Officer and Assistant Head Teacher
Mrs Nicola Bowyer: Safeguarding Officer

The Role of the Governing Body

Sharnbrook Primary has a Governing body whose legal responsibility it is to make sure that the school has an effective safeguarding policy and procedures in place and monitors that the school complies with them. The Governing body should also ensure that the policy is made available to parents and carers if requested. It is also the responsibility of the Governing body to ensure that all staff and volunteers are properly checked out to make sure they are safe to work with the pupils who attend our school and that the school has procedures for handling allegations of abuse made against members of staff volunteers.

The Role of the Safeguarding Officers
It is the responsibility of the safeguarding officers, under the direction of the Head teacher and governing body, to ensure that all safeguarding issues raised in school are effectively responded to, recorded and referred to the appropriate agency. They are also responsible for arranging whole school safeguarding training for all staff who work with children in our school.

The Safeguarding Officer is required to attend, where appropriate, all conferences, core groups or meetings where it concerns a child at our school and to contribute to multi-agency discussions to safeguard and promote the child’s welfare.

The Safeguarding Team will complete the audit and Safeguarding Self-Evaluation which will then be used to inform our Safeguarding Action Plan. The Safeguarding team will report regularly to the governing body, to ensure that governors remain fully informed with regards to safeguarding within the school.


Child Protection

Recognising Concerns, Signs and Indicators of Abuse

Online Safety Advice

Operation Encompass